Essay On Election and Democracy In English For Student And Children

Essay On Election and Democracy In English A democratic country’s foundation is its electoral process. The electoral process allows voters the freedom to select the candidate they believe will make the best government. Elections are a fundamental component of all democratic systems, despite their diversity. However, depending on the type of democracy, election procedures and goals may change.



Essay On Election and Democracy In English

Essay On Election and Democracy In English (100 Words)

Democracy is a system in which a nation’s residents use their right to vote to select the government they want to rule. This style of governance promotes fair play and works for the good of the populace. In a democracy, people have the right to disagree with their government’s decisions and voice their opinions. In a democratic country, elections feature multiple political parties, and the winner is the party that the majority of voters believe is best. By secret ballot, voters make their selections.

many types of democracy

Democracy comes in a variety of shapes. Different democratic types of government function differently. They each function and handle situations in a different way. Depending on the sort of democracy, citizens may also be granted certain rights. Here are some examples of the various types of democracy.

Essay On Election and Democracy In English (200 Words)

A democratic country is one in which its residents are free to publicly express their opinions and views on any issue or circumstance that may exist. This could be the social, economic, political, or any other situation in the nation.

A democratic government also allows its citizens to choose who will lead it. They are able to express their opinions about who they believe is qualified to lead their country by secret ballot voting. The candidate or party that receives the most votes is declared the winner. Therefore, who would control a democratic country depends on the general opinion of its population. To ensure fair play, elections are held frequently.

India is thought to be the country with the biggest democracy in the world. The enormous burden of conducting, managing, and supervising the election process has been delegated to an independent agency known as the Election Commission of India. The Election Commission of India addresses a number of concerns and works extremely hard to guarantee free and fair elections throughout the nation.

With a few exclusions, such as those engaged in criminal activity, etc., any Indian citizen who is 25 years of age or older may run for office and influence the nation’s future.

Essay On Election and Democracy In English (300 Words)

Democracy is a form of government in which a nation’s citizens have the freedom to elect their representatives. The government is established when these representatives take office. Elections are used to choose these representatives. In elections, the candidates and political parties with the most votes win the election. Therefore, elections play a big role in democracy.

Democracy is based on elections.

Democracy is built on elections. Here is an example of how the election procedure functions to form a democratic government:

Regular intervals are set aside for elections. Every five years, elections are held in India.
People cast ballots to elect the candidate they believe is most qualified for the job.
People use secret ballots to cast their votes. This guarantees a level playing field because they are not held accountable for their decision.
The election process is managed by the Indian Election Commission.
You cannot imagine how much larger and more intricate the election process is. There is a substantial amount of work that needs to be done. This is the reason a separate organisation has been established to oversee the entire election procedure.
In elections, numerous political parties take part. They communicate their goals to the average person. To persuade the public to vote for them, they also emphasise all the activities they have accomplished for the welfare of their citizens and the advancement of the country.
Sometimes, infamous individuals attempt to sabotage the electoral process by engaging in irregularities like vote manipulation and booth capture. To guarantee a smooth election process, the Election Commission takes the required action against them.


A democratic nation’s elections must be fair and held frequently. They give the country’s average citizen the power to choose their government and replace it every few years.

Essay On Election and Democracy In English (400 Words)

A government based on democracy is one that is run by, for, and with the people. Electing the government is permitted in a democracy. A majority of the five years that the government is in office. Elections are held whenever the term of office has ended so that the populace can once more cast a ballot and select their government. A democracy therefore cannot exist without elections.

Citizens’ Rights in a Democratic Country

In contrast to monarchies and autocracies, democratic governments give their citizens a wide range of liberties that are essential to both their personal development and the nation’s overall progress. The rights accorded to citizens in a democratic system are briefly described as follows:

Expression and Free Speech
Every citizen in a democracy is accorded this fundamental right. In a democracy, every citizen is free to voice their opinions on any topic, including political, social, economic, and cultural matters.

Voting privileges
Citizens of any democratic country are entitled to the right to vote. By using this right, they decide who will lead their nation’s government.

Fair trial privilege
The right to fair and unrestricted legal proceedings belongs to every citizen of a democratic nation. According to the Indian Penal Code, they can file a lawsuit against anyone who has harmed them. After considering the arguments made by both parties, the judiciary makes a decision. Building an effective judicial system is the duty of the democratic nation.

Media Freedom Rights
Transparency is necessary for democracy to function well. Anyone has unrestricted access to information in a democratic system. They receive this information through the media regarding the operations of the government and political parties. This data enables people to evaluate their voting choices and determine whether they made the best choice or whether they ought to vote differently in the subsequent elections.

Respect for Religion
In a democracy, each individual citizen is free to follow whichever religion they so choose, free from government or political influence. Without fear, they are free to worship in a public place. Any form of rioting within a community is condemned, and those responsible face severe punishment from the government.


One of the basic liberties enjoyed by citizens in a democracy is the ability to choose their government. In order to elect the most deserving candidate, this prerogative must be exercised with utmost caution.

Essay On Election and Democracy In English (500 Words)

India is thought to be the country with the biggest democracy in the world. One of the best illustrations of representative democracy is the election of representatives by the people using their voting rights. These delegates make important national decisions, especially those involving policy. The bedrock for fair elections in India is the secret ballot voting practised by its citizens. Indian democracy is praised for having a transparent and free electoral process.

The Indian Election Commission

In India, the union government is chosen for a five-year term. As a result, elections are held throughout the nation every five years. The entire election process in India is organised and run by the Election Commission of India. In 1950, the Election Commission was established. It was once made up of just one person. In 1989, the Indian Election Commission added two new commissioners. To ensure a smooth and effective conclusion of the election process, a subsidiary of the Election Commission is established in each state.

The Election Commission’s primary duty is to oversee the election process. The task is enormous, and there are numerous issues that must be resolved in order to complete it. Planning election schedules, evaluating new political parties and validating them, monitoring the behaviour of political parties running in elections, providing media with election-related updates, supervising the election process, enforcing any irregularities, and holding by-elections are all included in this (if needed). Since its foundation, the EC has worked diligently to improve the electoral process in India by implementing numerous improvements to the country’s electoral system.

Elections to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, State Legislative Councils and State Legislative Assemblies, and the President and Vice President of India are all administered by the Election Commission of India (EC). Thus, it is referred to as the foundation of Indian democracy.

Governments in Democratic Nations

There are several democratic forms of government in the world. These nations’ citizens, like those of India, are free to cast ballots and choose their leaders. Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, Sweden, Bhutan, Germany, the United States of America, and Finland are a few of the nations with democratic structures.

All of these countries are democratic, but they do not adhere to the same set of procedures for holding elections and making decisions about public policy. Direct democracy, representational democracy, Islamic democracy, social democracy, parliamentary democracy, presidential democracy, participatory democracy, and authoritarian democracy are some of the several types of democracy that have been categorised. Different democratic nations adhere to various democratic principles.


A democratic administration is inseparable from elections. In a democratic nation, voters choose the candidate they believe is most suited to lead the government. When creating or changing any legislation or policy, the government always has the interests of the average person in mind.

People have the right to challenge the government’s choices in a democracy. They have the ability to depose the existing administration and instal a new political party as the ruling party in the next elections. This motivates the current administration to work hard and make decisions that are in the best interests of the general population.